Upswing edtech is a complex set of processes that is integrated into one complete and comprehensive suite that gives you the metrics, dashboards, reports and tools to help you get from “maybe” to “enrolled” easily and with greater certainty.
Examine it for yourself with a demo.
About Upswing Admission Opt in and get the edge

Upswing Admissions is the brainchild of experts who have hands-on experience in education and technology. Coming from the house of M S Ramiah, flag bearers of education for several decades, Upswing Admissions has a team of passionate, young, committed experts who have developed Upswing Admissions as a complete one-stop shop for all your admissions needs.

Reasons to choose
Upswing Admissions

Upswing Admissions is:

Not a marketplace or an aggregator for ed tech

Not a stand-alone software solution

Not a marketing automation tool alone

Not an expensive, complex and rigid solution

Upswing Addmission is
Designed for convenience and simplicity
One platform Upswing Admissions is a centralized yet modular platform that gives you greater control over all the different modules and Aspects of the admissions lifecycle and eliminates the stress of “what if” when you have third party applications that form a bundle.
Always-on support When in need, we are there to support you. From technical issues to training, or even questions that go, “so how do I see this Report”, our team is always ready to resolve any issues and challenges that you may face. Faster response time = faster resolution time.
Pay-as-you-go pricing Our pay-as-you-go pricing has been designed so that you pay only for what you use and what you need with no hidden costs. You can always add to the stack later, and our quick and easy activation of the module allows you to go-to-market at speed and at scale.
Secure technology Upswing Admissions is a secure, cloud-based platform developed on the .Net framework. .Net is a robust technology framework that protects your data and your processes from breaches or outages and is safer than most other technology frameworks including Java or php, which are more vulnerable and can compromise your data security.
Marketing automation Complete white labeling of all promotional and other material E.g., Semi-white labeling affecting branding and authenticity E.g.,
Integrations with email or SMS service providers Free No annual subscription or renewal costs Chargeable + Cost for annual renewals
Telecaller tracking Integrated with both, landline and mobiles at no extra cost Integration cost goes upto Rs.50,000 for mobile application integration
Payment Gateway commissions Zero Direct transaction between educational institution and payment gateway At least 1.5% transaction fee
Database Security Net technology eliminates data breach and ensures that database is safe and secure Php platform is vulnerable to data breach compromising the security of your valuable data
Admissions Criteria Question bank of 7 lakh questions
Screening Test - yes
Personality Test - yes (with video uploads)
Group Discussion - yes
Personal Interview - yes
Question bank - not available
Screening Test - at a cost
Personality Test - not available
Group Discussion - not available
Personal Interview - not available
Platform lock-in Zero lock-in
Billing cycle starts 30 days after deployment
Investment upfront
Every plug-in and feature chargeable
Registrations via OTP SMS
Integration with service provider is free
Integration is charges as part of the customisation and add-on costs
Raw Database management Upload infinite entries at zero cost Initial uploading of raw data cost Cost per 3000 leads upto Rs.1000/-
Integration of payment gateway Free Chargeable
Unique AWS Cloud Dedicated AWS cloud server for your educational institution
Unique login id with branded Interface and dashboard
Shared server space
Co-branded with service provider url e.g.,
Enjoy Greater Conversions With The Upswing Edge
Automation for better optimisation of time on focused interventions
Actionable insights for improved marketing strategies and hyper personalisation
Student-centric for driving comfort, transparency and loyalty
Connecting all stakeholders on one platform for seamless, efficient and effective admissions operations
Get a competitive advantage with customisable pay-as-you-use pricing and functionality that enables higher conversions
Measurable performance with productivity markers for increased operational efficiency resulting in agile responses, more accuracy and significantly higher enrollments